Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

A new plot for vegetables

I am working on a new project: vegetables. With the price of food soaring, I wanted to give it a try; plus, the guys may like digging in the dirt (if it ever cools off enough to let us put anything in). It may seem a little late to be planting, but I haven't had a chance before, and we had to move the sandboat to make the space.

I have turned the small plot over by hand. Its only about 4 x 5, so hiring a tiller for such a mini-garden seems a little silly. So out came the shovel, and I did it the semi-old-fashioned way. I also have a garden weasel, and I'm using it to "till" stuff into the little plot, like leftover potting soil. I am still working on getting the grass all out- crabgrass is a real problem here. I don't want to kill it artificially, because I want to use the plot for plants, so out they have to be dug by hand.

It is very therapeutic. Even in the heat.

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